Qalansiya, Socotra, Yemen


Socotra’s second-largest city of Qalansiya is sat on the island’s northwest coast and serves as a great jumping-off point for adventures further afield. 

As with Hadiboh, you can expect to find a warm and inquisitive welcome here. Keep an eye out for the city’s beautiful and colorful doors.

Qalansiya was once a traditional fishing village and still very much so is, but it does have a more affluent feel to it compared to Hadiboh.

Those wanting to visit other locations such as the outer islands of the Socotra Archipelago of Abd al Kuri, Samha, and Darsa, the seas stacks of Sabuniya and Kal Firun, or the pristine beaches of Shua’ab will board fishing boats here in Qalansiya- make sure to discuss the desire to charter boats to these destinations we in advance to that we can make arrangements for you.

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